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Welcome to the Resources Hub.

Learn how to recruit volunteers, raise more money, share the workload, plan for the future and much more.


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Committee Structure Templates

Large and small editable committee structure templates.
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Editable Position Descriptions

Browse and download over thirty editable position descriptions.
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Over 55s Volunteer Funding 

Learn more about the over 55s funding opportunity
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How to Recruit More Volunteers

Learn proven methods of volunteer recruitment and retention.
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How to Run a
Club Lotto

A step-by-step guide on our most popular revenue initiative. 
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How to Host a Membership Drive

A step-by-step guide on how to run your own club membership drive.
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How to Create a Club Business Directory

How to create your own club business directory, with examples.
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Tips to Improve your Grant Applications

Tips on writing more compelling grant applications.